Friday, October 30, 2009

Making Assumptions

We all do it-we make assumptions about situations in life and more often than not its not true or backfires. An assumption occurs when we take something for granted without proof. Over the past several weeks we have all watched the baseball playoffs. As you know, many assumptions have been made by announcers, critics and fans about all the playoff teams. Here are a few that I heard:

In baseball, every situation is different. The playoffs are pressure packed and unless you look at the situation in its entirety, you may miss something that will change your thought process. In each case above, there were variables that the pundits missed causing them to make an assumption that was incorrect.

Isn't this true in life and in the workplace. We make assumptions all the time about a person, department, management. Often, it is a cover up for your own failings and creates the blame game. Look at each situation in a new light. Analyze all the variables and give people the opportunity to react in their own way before you burden them with your opinion. Assumptions do make an a_ _ out of you and me. Do yourself a favor-stop making them!

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