Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lead by Example

In the summer of 2007, I decided to write a book based on people in my life that have influenced me in a positive way. I went through the process of interviewing twelve individuals or couples but have never taken the next step. I've felt bad that I took their time and didn't follow up.

Today, my goals don't include writing a book. Perhaps one day I'll catch up to my wife Joan, who's written three. To honor those who took the time to sit with me two years ago, I will feature one person/couple a month in this blog. Though it's not a sports example, the profiles provide leadership examples. Specifically, each represents some formation of one of my core values-not just as a younger man, but throughout my life. Each of these folks has lived a wonderful life with many life lessons. Today, we start with the first couple I interviewed, Dutchie and Larry Brandon who have helped form and strengthen my core value of courage and have led by example throughout their lives.

Larry is a Deacon at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in West Chester, PA and was ordained in the first class of diaconates in the Baltimore Archdiocese in 1973. They moved to West Chester in 1974. Larry is retired but had a very successful career in the insurance industry starting with USF & G in 1957 culminating as Chairman of the American Institute in Malvern, PA. He retired in 2001 but has been active and serves on several boards. Dutchie, his wife of nearly 53 years raised 7 children and has supported Larry in so many ways. The beauty of all my interviews rests in understanding a person's foundation. Dutchie and Larry have lived thier lives according to their moral compass. In their lifetime, they have marched with the Berrigan brothers, started charities in their community, and have been leaders in the Catholic church.

I'm drawn to the Brandons because of their quiet compassion and moral strength. They walk with confidence and without airs. Larry is so soft spoken that you have to strain to hear his wonderful homilies. They have a rock solid belief system that resonates from within. I am most impressed with their love for each other and their family (including 21 grandchildren). Their faith and love have carried them on a wonderful journey.

Larry and Dutchie have set an example for their family and friends. There's a calmness that invokes confidence, a grace that produces wonderment, and a passion for life that transcends generations. They continue to set a wonderful example daily.

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