Saturday, January 14, 2012

Too Good to be True?

A friend of mine posted a link to an article Rick Reilly wrote about Tim Tebow last night.  Another friend linked a New York Times article on Mr. Tebow this morning.  I can take a hint-time to write about him.  Both of these articles, especially Reilly's ( talks about all the good he does in between miracle finishes and poor quarterbacking mechanics.  As a whole, we are a cynical bunch.  We don't believe that someone can do so many positive things with their wealth and celebrity.  We assume all public figures are in it for themselves.  And why not?  We've been down this road before with stars, athletes and institutions only to find out they have lied, cheated and broken our hearts.

There may be a day Tim Tebow falls into these categories-but it's not today.  We know of him because he's a professional athlete, quarterback for the Denver Broncos.  We also know he is a winner.  Because of this, I choose to believe in the goodness of Tim Tebow.  He and the Broncos probably won't win tonight against the Patriots (though I'll be rooting for him).  He continues to prove that hard work, belief in a higher power and consideration of others will make our society a better place to live.  Though he appears to be too good to be true-I'm willing to accept him as he is today.

In many organizations and in our private lives we often look for the flaws rather than embrace the good.  If someone is too organized, they don't have enough to do.  If they do more than is expected, they are brown nosers.  If they are too nice, they must beat their dog at home.  I suggest that rather than critiquing, we look at them as models.  Perhaps they can teach us all to be better in some way.  Be open to it.  Why not celebrate the good rather than find excuses why we can do the same?  Your life is made up of choices-why not make them positive ones?

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